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With so many options, how do we choose the school ?

Schools in Golaghat

Besides holding an important position in the freedom struggle of India, the destination is also known for its rich art and culture. Some of the important contributions made by literary intellects to Assamese culture are from this district. 

The schools of Golaghat fulfil mission by committing to:

1. Developing the students as multifaceted, responsible, and socially aware citizens who pursue their goals with passion and integrity.

2. Encourage students to participate in sports, the arts and extra curricular activities and create opportunities to excel outside the classroom

3. Attracting the best available faculty and staff and provide supportive working conditions and continuous training for optimum professional development.

4. Enhancing the learning ability and curiosity and self-motivation of the students

5. Providing the stakeholders a safe and nurturing environment.

6. Preparing the students to be global citizens by ensuring an international perspective for learning and promoting a diverse student body